Random Musings

Random Musings

We just spent the evening with a brilliant Swiss man who manages business in 55 countries. He’s worked for cancer hospitals and like others we know, he’s quit because he couldn’t take it – couldn’t face the inhumanity of what was going on behind the scenes… bone chilling stories that patients never realise, but that’s for another day.

The really interesting bit was this. At one point as we shared about spiritual practices, he asked us.. ‘but what is meditation?’ And I found it a little bizarre because he ‘looked’ like someone who would know, from his energy field. But I explained, and then he said yes yes, my mother taught me this, and proceeded to explain the meditation, relaxation and the visualisation techniques his mother taught him which he also used to top his class many times. No wonder he had such a beautiful aura. 

And it makes me realise I miss it so much, people who know SO much, and whose knowledge empowers them instead of inflating their ego. We’ve become a generation of defending belief systems, instead of being open to learning from each other. What a beautiful reminder this has been, of how enriching conversations can really be.

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