Q&A: Why Did Creation Happen?

Q&A: Why Did Creation Happen?

So, this is not a post in which I answer this question, just so you are not disappointed in the end. This is a conversation that happened on our Whatsapp group that I felt was worth sharing. I’ve left grammatical errors as they are just so I don’t change anything, so bear with me.

P: I have a question… why creation happened ?

Ashwita: I have another question. How will you know that my answer is correct?

S (in reply to P): Read Bhagavad Gita… you have all the answers about life and death.

Ashwita: See these ideas are dangerous. It is a great idea to read a sacred book with the openness for transformation – and that is probably how you approached it, but remember that everyone reads a book differently. If a book is giving you ‘answers’ then it is merely adding burden to your spiritual journey by giving you even more belief systems to remove. A book and a teacher should be a means for UNlearning on the spiritual pathway, not a means for learning even more false ideas about the world and its existence.

This is exactly why we have religious wars – because people are too busy defending their belief systems and identity to be able to drown in the depths of the real message and lose their identity altogether.

P: The reason I have this question is, for birth or death, desire or some form of incompletion is required, if Brahman is fully satisfied, complete state, then how or why did creation happen in the first place? If ur answer gives some clarity on this contradiction, then I would know it’s correct. If u r answer is very different, I may get a different perspective that may help me correct my other understandings or assumptions.

Ashwita: In the last line you talk about assumptions. That is a really flawed approach science takes, because if your assumptions are wrong by even a small margin then it can lead to huge differences in the final calculations. Now taking a scientific approach, look at it this way. No two spiritual teachers whether in the same or different traditions or religions agree on everything. This means you have no theoretical access to the right set of assumptions. Furthermore, you are limited by your 5 senses in a highly multidimensional world, and there is no way you can develop the right assumptions by yourself. This means it is impossible to start with the right assumptions. Which then means you are never – NEVER going to truly figure life or existence out. Get used to that idea, because this is not an assumption 😊 and then restart your approach from there – no matter what you believe, you’re already wrong.

I would suggest dedicating yourself more powerfully to your daily spiritual practice. Eventually you will have no questions left. Set your mind aside and go deeper within yourself.

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