Does Gossip Bother You?

Does Gossip Bother You?

Some time back I was really hurt to realise that someone I liked was saying mean, cheap and nasty things behind my back. But once the initial pain and hurt faded, the wisdom set in.

Energy is energy. When people think about you, they contribute to your success. Look at Donald Trump, look at all these silly artists campaigning against Modi, the tabloids spinning false stories about celebrities – hatred in most cases contributes to a person’s success, because the more energy a person has access to, the ‘bigger’ they become – if you know how to use it.

So I sat down and welcomed everyone’s energy – everyone who was talking nonsense, I said bring it in, breathe it in. It’s not easy, of course, because it also involves allowing the pain and the hurt and the betrayal in. But it is also so far in my experience, one great way of speeding up the good things in your life, because now you have much more than your own energy working for you.

So can you imagine this? Everyone who says shit behind your back is going to contribute to you expanding in so so many ways. Remember this when you gossip about others too though – you are sacrificing your own energy and giving it away to them – so in the long run, you have less and they have more – of everything.

I share this because I’ve recently seen on my timeline, posts indicating people are hurt by gossip about them. There’s a beautiful, beautiful way of turning this in your favour. To put it simply, just request the universe to make this work for you. 

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Once, a donkey fell into a dry well in a village. Obviously it was terrified and kept braying indefinitely. The villagers gathered around, tried to get the donkey out and realised there was no way. The donkey was going to die a slow horrible death due to hunger and dehydration.

So it was decided that it would be more painless if they simply filled up the well with sand – the donkey would then die much faster. They gathered around and started throwing mud into the well. After a while they realised that every time they shoveled sand into the well, the donkey would take a step up. Eventually they filled the well and the donkey jumped out. 

The negativity others send you is like that sand. They’re throwing it at you in order to suffocate you – and you will, if you just stay there and do nothing. But you can choose to step up instead.

So here it is – this meditation will help you transmute the negative energy people send your way, into positive energy which will help you grow and expand.

This works on intent so honestly I’m not sure how deep it will be if you don’t have a strong spiritual practice, but go ahead and try it anyway. Do it daily for a week to 21 days depending on the situation and on how ‘strong’ your energy field is.

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