I am a Diamond

I am a Diamond

I sit under a spotlight, behind glass panes
Shining, reflecting, radiating light
And I watch as people stick their noses
To the glass, their eyes so bright

I am a diamond, I sparkle like the sun
But this beauty, this shine, is a deception
I was a rock, beneath soil hidden
I’ve come a long way, since my journey was begun

I was broken and cut, again and again
My life seemed to revolve around pain
When I thought life couldn’t get worse
I grew to realise, my hope was in vain

But today I look at myself, and think
It was all worth it, after all
My beauty today, makes that despair,
That pain, that torture, look so small

So when you’re hurting with endless pain
Remember my story please
You’ll be a bright, shining star too,
And one day this torture will cease

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