Coping with Emotional Turbulence

Coping with Emotional Turbulence

When it gets dark and cloudy
And nature whips up a storm
It leaves everything wrecked
Abused, destroyed and torn

It is the eye of the storm
That’s the safest place to be
But it moves, before we know
No one is spared its fury

There is no escape
From things we are destined to bear
They comes and wreck up our lives,
But success lies in our capaciy to repair
The root cause of all our problems – whether mental, emotional or physical, lies in only one place – our mind. When something goes wrong, we tend to toss it in our minds, looking at the problem from all sides, analysing how it will devastate our lives, how things could get even worse, and so on. If one could just decide to stop thinking of it all, there would probably be no problems at all, but no, things just never seem to work that way.

The statement ‘take life as it comes’ has a much deeper meaning and is much tougher to apply in real life. We have to learn to accept our problems. More often than not, it is not the problem we are afraid of, but that it might last that way forever, or might make things worse. Just like if you try to run away from a dog, it will run after you, the more you try to get rid of a problem, it will make life more miserable for you.

This does not mean that we should not work towards solving problems – it just means that when we are trying to solve problems, we must remove from our mind, the fear the the problem might not get solved. It will.

This too shall pass
Once we realise that problems are here only to go, it will change our attitude to problems. To understand this concept, think of the most trying time you went through, and see how things sorted out themselves. That phase went away, this will too. Think of the good times, they went away too. Change is the only constant in life!

Having to Decide
Depression and fear are at their peak, when time is running out and one has to make a crucial decision fast. In situations such as these, we tend to get worried that we might make the wrong choice and end up suffering for the rest of our lives. Wrong. There is no such thing as a wrong decision – both the paths will teach you important lessons, and help you grow, which is the ultimate purpose of your life on earth.

The most helpful in a case like this, is to find someone who you know will help you put things in perspective, weigh the pros and cons and decide. And once the decision is made, never look back. Regret is only an excuse for your current failure.

Accept it
When you are depressed or afraid, do not worry over it. It is normal, and happens to everyone at some point in time. Accept your state, accept your misery, and accept that you are not being your normal, happy self. Give yourself that allowance, after all, you’re only human! It is ok to be depressed, and that does not make you any less lovable. Tell yourself that this is only a passing phase, and soon you’ll be happy again, and this will be nothing but a forgotten chapter of life.

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